Sustainability Policy


TSUGAMI will contribute to address social issues through its business activities,
aiming to achieve sustainable growth together with society.

The TSUGAMI Group aims to achieve both the realization of a sustainable society and corporate growth based on its corporate philosophy of continuing to provide the world's premier machine tools with high precision, high speed and high rigidity. We take society's expectations of us seriously and will cooperate with local communities to continue contributing to society through all our corporate activities.
Meanwhile, with the 2015 UN Summit's adoption of the SDGs, which address the global challenges we face to achieve a sustainable future for all, the operating environment has changed dramatically, and sustainability has become an extremely important issue.
In face of these momentous changes, the TSUGAMI Group sees its own sustainability activities as an important element of management. We are also committed to providing other like-minded enterprises with solutions to help solve issues through business.
More specifically, we will develop an awareness of the risks caused by various issues around the world in areas of concern such as climate change, labor and human rights, and take steps to prevent such issues from getting worse. In our business activities, we will also perceive innovation to resolve issues as a business growth opportunity.
We will set ourselves a medium-to-long-term goal of promoting appropriate sustainable practices throughout the entire supply chain, not to mention the TSUGAMI Group companies.